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What's New?

The STAR Program

Once again, the procedure for selecting SSOs has changed.  We will now be choosing SSOs specific to each area within each area.  Several candidates have already been presented and have attended the Leadership Workshop.  Leslie, J. R. and Mandi (this year's Area SSO) will be working with them to get them up to speed on SSO functions and policies. 

We feel it is important that students participate in the planning of area activities, especially Area Conference. OEdTA is trying out a new program this year called the STAR (Student Area Representative) Program. This is a program that will serve as an educational and training procedure for future SSOs.

J. R., Leslie and Mandi will have a meeting with the STARs on November 4, 2004, and they will help in the planning of the North Area Conference. We are asking that each school sponsor recommend one or two students from his or her troupe to serve as STARs. These should be responsible students who show leadership qualities. Please send the contact information for these students to Leslie at sappleslie@aol.com.

Announcing the Fourth Annual North Area Conference

The date and times for this year's Area N Conference have been set.

Date:  Saturday, January 22, 2005.

Times:  9 AM - 5 PM (approximately)

Place:  Sandusky High School, 2130 Hayes Avenue, Sandusky, Ohio 44870.

All area schools are invited to attend.  Cost is $10.00 per attendee (including sponsors and chaperones) if pre-registered by mail using the attached registration forms or at the door.  Cost includes pizza, pop and chips for lunch.  Please pre-register so we know how much pizza to order!

We will be presenting several workshops during the morning and several more during the afternoon.  As of right now, we are in the process of  securing workshops in acting, improvisation, dance, voice, sound and lighting.  More workshop details will be forthcoming.

In addition to the workshops, your school is invited to present a one-act play at the conference.  Morning and afternoon performance times will be set aside for any school interested in presenting a 15-60 minute one-act.  You may also have your play screened for inclusion in the State Conference in April 2005.  Please fill out the required form and mail it in.

The approximate schedule for the day is as follows:
8:30-9:00 Registration
9:00-9:10 Opening Comments
9:10-10:10 Performances 1
10:15-11:15 Workshops 1
11:20-12:20 Performances 2
12:30-1:00 Lunch
1:05-2:05 Performances 3
2:10-3:10 Workshops 2
3:15-4:15 Performances 4
4:15-4:30Closing Ceremonies